I was introduced to yoga in 1982 and have taught consistent classes since 1986. I was certified as an Iyengar teacher but I have also spent a significant time with other single pose and vinyasa styles including Asthanga, Anusara, Flow, Power, Core, Yin & Bikram.
My current teaching style is a mixture of single asanas (postures) with an emphasis on good alignment and periods of vinyasa (flow). Working with the core energy is a feature I trust and linking that to the breath creates space in the pose, smoothness of the breath and stability in the mind.
My classes are appropriate for anyone who is willing to work sensibly around their limits and safely within their physical frame. There is no craved outcome, just a direction to start and a practice to love and continue again and again.
I am available for private tuition and can be contacted through Yoga Health or via Facebook/Instagram.
~ The divine in me respects the divine within you ~